Jazz Press Release

The Ministry of Commerce, Business Development, Investment and Consumer Affairs through the Small Enterprise Development Unit (SEDU) is proud to participate in the re-branded Saint Lucia Jazz and Arts Festival 2014. SEDU continues to demonstrate its unwavering support for small businesses in pursuit of fulfilling the strategic agenda of the National Industrial Policy, through its Market and Product Development Programme.

This year, the SEDU Craft Village will be featured at Fond D'Or on May 3rd, Derek Walcott Square from May 7th to 9th, Teatime Jazz at La Place Carenage from May 7th to 8th, Bay Walk Mall from 6th to 8th May and the Pigeon Island National Landmark from 9th to 11th May, 2013, under the theme, "Innovation and Creativity, One People of Diverse Talent, Inspiring Today for Tomorrow".

Therefore, SEDU would like to extend an invitation to micro and small business persons within the Arts & Craft, Aromatherapy, Health & Wellness, Fashion and Agro-processing Sectors, who are interested in participating in this year's exhibition. For information on this year's annual exhibition please contact:

Mrs. ROYCELYN HOWELL at telephone no. 468-4259 or 285-4789

Mr. JONATHAN ALLAIN at telephone no. 468-4248 or 285-3761

or visit their offices at SEDU, Ministry of Commerce, Business Development, Investment and Consumer Affairs, 4th Floor, Heraldine Rock Building, Waterfront, CASTRIES.


Please note that a meeting will be held on the First Floor of the Stanislaus James Building, Waterfront, Castries at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 03rd, 2014, for all interested persons. Please make a special effort to attend.



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