Project Management Credential -Its Value to Better Business Results

February 10, 2010 marked a significant milestone for thirteen (13) newly certified Project Managers.   The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Consumer Affairs welcomed these project managers to the cadre of certified project managers in Saint Lucia with a special ceremony.  The Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Marie-Ange Leonard in her address highlighted the significance of project management to business development.   According to Mrs. Leonard, "Project management strategies present the opportunity for organizations to manage resources to achieve better results."  For this reason the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Consumer Affairs has been a strong advocate for "the adoption of project management systems in all businesses to promote and sustain profitability".  The Permanent Secretary further stated, "Project management involves doing the right thing, the right way in order to operate efficiently and effectively."


Mrs. Leonard reiterated the importance of project management in her presentation by saying, "There is no time like the present for businesses to adopt the philosophy of project management and build a reputation on accomplishing successful projects".  The Ministry is cognizant of the value of business growth to economic prosperity as such recognizes the value of project management in defining a sustainable development strategy.  The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Consumer Affairs, aware of this critical role of effective project management, is working with the Project Management Association to undertake various initiatives to promote the use of project management principles.


The project management credential symbolizes the acquisition of necessary skills to achieve project success.   The Permanent Secretary supported this view, stating that, "The project management certification signals to an organization that a candidate has the requisite competence to deliver results".  In light of this Mrs. Leonard implored the newly certified project managers to use their skills to promote efficiency in their respective organizations, and pledged the Ministry's commitment toward promoting the project management approach to enhance business decision making in all sectors.   


The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Consumer Affairs proudly presents to Saint Lucia and the world, the new inductees to the expertise in project management in Saint Lucia.  They are: Anne Marie Benoit, Amoy Theobalds, Anderson Lynn Henry, Anita Lucien-Cherry, Emlyn Angela Jean, Esli Lafeuille, Fercinta Louisy, Gidden Augustin, Guillaume Simon, Lorne Jean, Philip Wells, Sherwin Marshall, and Sisera Simon. 



These individuals successfully completed the Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification exam administered by the Project Management Institute (PMI) of Pennsylvania, USA.  The preparatory course is offered by the Small Enterprise Development Unit (SEDU) within the Ministry.  The course was introduced under SEDU's Entrepreneurial Development Programme in August 2004 to build critical mass in the field of project management.  It began with twenty five (25) persons.  To date eighty six (86) certified project managers have received plaques of recognizing the attainment of their credential, a condition of the PMI certification programme.  The Ministry on this occasion also recognized Mr. Dwight Calixte for outstanding service as a facilitator in the project management programme.



These new Project Management Professionals (PMPs) are expected to contribute to the strengthening of the Project Management Association; uphold the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct; and promote the PMI philosophy for effective Project Management.  Mrs. Leonard stated, "The people who lead projects - who turn visions of what might be into tangible products or services stand out.  With this competence you are able to contribute to your firm's ability to effectively complete projects."


PMI is the world's leading non-profit association for the project management profession.  PMI is recognized for its advocacy programs conducted with governments, organizations and industries around the world as they recognize and embrace project management to achieve business results.  PMI has more than 240,000 members in over 160 countries. PMI's Project Management Professional (PMP) is the most widely recognized in the profession.


For more information on the PMP programme, contact the Small Enterprise Development Unit (SEDU), 4th Floor Heraldine Rock Building, Waterfront, Castries; telephone 468-4223 or 453-2891; fax 453-7347;



In the photo - front left to right: Anne-Marie Benoit, Sisera Simon, Lorne Jean, Fercinta Louisy, Mrs Barbara InnocentCharles (Officer in Charge, SEDU)

back left to right:  Anderson Henry, Verne Emmanuel (Secretary, Project Management Association), Dwight Calixte (Facilitator in the PMP programme), Esli Lafeuille, Amoy Theobalds, Sherwin Marshall, Guillaume Simon, Gidden Augustin, Philip Wells.