Protocols That Must Be Put In Place For Employees And Customers For Stores Including Hardware













Protocols That Must Be Put In Place For Employees And Customers

For Stores Including Hardware



  • Reduce opening hours to provide sufficient timeto clean and disinfect at the end of the work day
  • Institute a cleaning and disinfecting regime to allow for periodic cleaning of surfaces during operation, including surfaces like checkout lanes and touchscreens at least every 30 minutes.
  • Provide appropriate facilities (inclusive of appropriate disinfectants and instructions) for employees to maintain good hand hygiene, Environmental hygiene and PPE for staff
  • Ensure every customer entering the store has a face mask and hands are sanitized.
  • Provide sanitizing stations for customers entering and leaving store.
  • Ensure staff with cold, influenza, such as sore throat, fever, sneezing, and coughing remain at home.
  • Ensure the washrooms are always well stocked with liquid soap and paper towels and that running water is available.
  • Conduct periodical cleaning and sanitizing of highly touched areas and items.
  • Document protocols and continuously sensitize staff



  • Post a sign(s) at the entrance(s) and throughout the store alerting customers that they must follow the 6 feet separation rule.
  • Post sign(s) for customers and employees alerting them of efforts in place regarding COVID-19.
  • Place hand sanitizer with a minimum of 60% ethyl alcohol in dispensers near doors, pay stations and other high-touch locations for customers and staff use.
  • Place markers such as tape or cones every 6 feet and provide customers with visible queues that support physical distancing outside the stores.
  • Set up floor markers in stores to show people how far apart they need to be from each other when waiting to check out.
  • Ensure that physical distance measures are implemented including warehouses, lumber yards and back of house.
  • Announce physical distancing expectations through PA system periodically throughout the day.
  • Have designated employee(s) regularly walk the floor to ensure that customers are following physical distancing rules and provide guidance as needed.
  • Stagger the number of shoppers in the store at one time to allow for increased distance between shoppers. (100 sq feet per person)
  • Consider controlling the flow of shoppers through the store by use of one-way aisles so shoppers reduce the frequency of shoppers crossing paths.
  • Place shield guards in front of the cashier and/or bagger that may not have the ability to stand 6 feet away from the customer.
  • Implement measures to adequately disinfect shopping carts and baskets to be used by customers to ensure at all times customers receive clean/ disinfected shopping equipment.
    Employees who handle cash or credit card must wash their hands frequently with soap and water.
  • Should operators and employees choose to use gloves, ensure thorough hand washing before and after each change of gloves.

Use a physical queue line controls such as crowd control cordons at entrances of stores.

Please be advised the Division of Environmental Health will conduct continuous assessments and spot checks to ensure that the protocols are implemented and adhered to. 















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