Urgent Press Release
Castries, April 21, 2020; The Ministry of Commerce, International Trade, Investment, Enterprise Development and Consumer Affairs wishes to advise that, in addition to Hardware Stores, Manufacturers and Owners of Home and Convenience Stores who produce and sell essential items, permission has been granted for Retailers and Distributors of Computers and Office Supplies (except furniture), to commence operation from Tuesday April 21, 2020.
The Ministry of Commerce urges businesses to visit our website: www.commerce.gov.lc for the application form and other relevant documents to seek permission for business operation.
All businesses must adhere to the Administrative and In-store Operational Protocols issued by the Ministry of Health. A copy is available on our website.
The Ministry takes this opportunity to thank the business community for its cooperation and support over the past months and looks forward to continue working with stakeholders as we endeavour to mitigate the impact of this Covid-19 Pandemic and return to normal operations in the near future.